Wednesday 18 March 2015

My Colour Poem!!

Colour  Yellow!!

Yellow is the feel of happiness! 

Yellow is the look of a book from the book store.

Yellow is the smell of a rotten banana.

Yellow is the taste of a banana flavoured fruit brust!!

Yellow is the sound of a baby chicken chirpping.

Yellow is the feel of a bird pecking at you.

Yellow is the look of a toy ball!!

Yellow is the smell of a flower.

Yellow is the taste of a cake yummy!

Yellow is the sound of laughing under the summer sun!


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Zoe thank you! i am glad you like it!

  2. Hi Shakanna i like your poem yellow reminds me of a yellow ice block

    1. Hi Emma i am glad that you like my poem as well!

  3. wow cool colour poem I like the colour yellow it is the colour of the sun.

  4. hi love your peom yellow reminds me the sunshine when it was out

  5. Alice rm 18 Te Mata4 June 2015 at 11:33

    This is a very clever. It makes me think of the yellow sunshine shining on me. Was there a format you needed to follow when you wrote this?


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